Wednesday, April 7, 2004

what's been going on

I got a job; another contract at the place I've been working at most steadily since 3Com broke up with me. This time through '04, but with as always, potential for more.

From one obscure sport to another: K. signed us up for a fencing class, and we're two weeks in. She's always wanted to try it and was looking for something to improve upper-body strength. I took a semester in college and enjoyed it quite a bit. I was actually looking for it a few years ago, but could only find inconveniently-located classes in those creepy adult education catalogs. Finally the Evanston park district got wise and offered classes. So, another way to settle domestic disputes.

And this dovetailed nicely with curling's end. Near the end of the season I went on my first two out-of-town bonspiels. My teams made the semifinals of the second event in one, and won the fourth event in another. At the club, my two March events were designed to give newer curlers experience at vice and skip. As such, I quickly found my level of incompetence and we went 2-3 in both. Barring some spring and summer events, that's it until October.

I got Kirsti the Best TV Show Ever for her birthday. Much enjoyment being had.

To those in the know attending TRASHionals, three words: Lunch. Money. Expansion. Bwahahaa!

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