I'm off to Pittsburgh tomorrow for TRASHionals and a game at PNC. Time permitting, I'm going to indulge my
I'm not a big Ted Rall fan, but this is spot-on. Of course Falwell & Robertson & Dobson are "radical clerics;" why didn't I think of that before?
Speaking of radical clerics, this pharmacist thing is really pissing me off. This is the best analysis I've read of the situation so far. So what happens when a follower of radical cleric Fred Phelps decides to withhold a cocktail from an AIDS patient? The argument that pharmacists have the right to be "conscientous objectors" is utter bullshit, unless Congress recently passed a pharmaceutical draft and I wasn't paying attention. Ah, I remember when the streets ran red during the Apothecary Draft Riottes of 1860. There were pestles a-flyin'.
I finally updated the links to the left. Dee has replaced her locked LJ with an honest-to-god blog. I neglected Andrew's site for too long, and birthday-sharer Blondie & some friends have started the rantalicious Liberal Sirens. Sean is a friend from high school. On the Nifty Strangers, Chillinois disappeared the day after the election. A Small Victory is finally readable now that she's sticking to the pop culture and has some buyer's remorse about backing that jackass president.
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