Wednesday, September 13, 2006

what's the 411?
As more and more and more people get rid of their landline phones and go entirely wireless, is calling directory assistance for a number becoming a thing of the past? Information still only lists landline numbers. The other week, we were trying to get together with some friends who were making a rare appearance in our area. We left some messages; never heard back. Turns out the phone number I had was for the cellphone they had left at home, and the phone they had with them didn't have our numbers in it. We found out what had happed later, and it's cool and all, but our phone number remains available through directory assistance. Random brain fart, or is this just a utility one forgets about when you're totally wireless?

One potential hitch in this is that our phone is listed, but only under my wife's name. If you assume she has my last name, you will not find us. This has led to friction between K. and some of "our" (I guess they're really only "my," it turns out) friends from MN. We've been married for nine years, living together for 12, and in a relationship for 17. I've known some of these people since high school, and they are not only unaware that she kept her last name, but couldn't be bothered to learn how to spell her first name. Few things irritate her more. I'm not so thrilled with it either.

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