UPDATE: well, that didn't last long. dang! Hm. Well, in the new year you'll have my Monday music feature, at least.
In other returns no less triumphant, we won the pub quiz again. Note to self: watch those Alec Guinness Ealing movies already, because I apparently can't recognize the man unless he's spouting crap dialogue and carrying a lightsaber. I have
Okay, here are some from Tuesday, though I may not post answers for you 'til next week:
TEAM AND YEAR: The last Canadian team to win the Stanley Cup was...? 1992-93 Canadiens (Craig) - I narrowed it down to Calgary or Montreal, then remembered that in 1993 I was living in Michigan and thus had access to Hockey Night In Canada. Don Cherry was not too happy about the Francophones winning, but sang the praises of John LeClair.
On what album did The Clash's "London Calling" originally appear? London Calling (Brian) - I know there are differences between the US and UK editions of the eponymous debut, but no way was I going to fall victim to a trick question regarding one of my faves.
Soccer legend George Best played for three United States teams. Name any one. Ft. Lauderdale Strikers (Brian) - Also the San Jose Earthquakes (NASL) and LA Aztecs. I correctly guessed that the opening topic, "Best of the Best" would be about the recently dead footballer, so had a chance to skim his obit earlier in the afternoon.
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