Thursday, December 18, 2003

Fellow Dead Pooler Scott Monty's posted a few thing lately worthy of comment, but his lack of a comment tool means I have to wait to get home to post anything, and then those plans get sidetracked.

So, a few qualms with recent Monty posts:

Monty vs. the ACLU was full of shameful distortion really good; even worthy of the pros at FOX News. In mentioning the ACLU protesting an appearance by Santa at a public school, he omitted the main point of protest: the Santa in question was a minister, and was reportedly directing students deemed "in need of guidance" to Christian resources; if true, a clear violation of the Establishment clause. Scott's claim that the ACLU "cares not a whit about the First Amendment" where religion is concerned has been refuted countless times through the years, as the group has sided with Rastafarians, the Amish, Jehovah's Witnesses, Muslims, and even Jerry Falwell himself. Scott's effort to equate the ACLU's involvement in a case determining whether speech on a website incited a murder with being pro-pedophilia is just embarrassing.

Ironically in a later post, Scott laments the Supreme Court's decision upholding McCain-Feingold, and joins the ACLU in doing so.


Posts here and here about Gore endorsing Dean over Lieberman. Okay:

1. Ever since the '00 election, Lieberman has distanced himself from that campaign. He and his supporters (or at least the opposition that cried the most about the endorsement) are playing the loyalty card as deftly as OJ's team played the race card.

2. Quoting Kathleen Parker? Scott, Scott, Scott...let's take a look at these quotes from elsewhere in the column:

Gore "loves" Dean for what Dean can give him. A Supreme Court nomination. A Cabinet position. Another vice presidency? And Dean loves Gore for bringing him the establishment credibility he needed.

What makes this folie a deux so entertaining, of course, is that Gore deeply wants the man he endorsed to lose. Gore's endorsement is the kiss Fredo gets before his little boat ride with Michael Corleone's hitman.

Back-to-back paragraphs, no less. You following this? When Dean grants Gore's wish by losing, he will then grant Gore another wish in the form of a Supreme Court nomination or Cabinet position. Apparently they grow 'em pretty powerful in Vermont.

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