Tuesday, December 2, 2003

Ten of My Unpopular Opinions

(in no order; meme cribbed from JC)

1. If we're going to have a death penalty -- and probably we shouldn't -- then all executions should be televised in prime time.

2. Howard the Duck wasn't as bad as it's made out to be.

3. And while I'm on the subject,Popeye is criminally overlooked.

4. Religion be damned; saving oneself for marriage is a terrible idea.

5. There have been only two compelling reasons to turn on the TV on Thursday nights since Seinfeld left the air. Neither lasted a full season.

6. There's nothing wrong with age-inappropriate entertainment consumption.

7. Soccer is more interesting to watch than American football.

8. The Doors and U2 are the most overrated bands ever.

9. The biggest racket in the Western world is the wedding industry.

10. Pie is always better than cake.

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