Wednesday, July 17, 2002

you know you've been quiet lately when...

...your name/ID cookie expires.

I just bought Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots, the latest CD by the Flaming Lips. Go buy it. It's not as dense as their previous, The Soft Bulletin, but it's still quirky, and pretty, mostly indescribable on one listen.

The guy at Dr. Wax said they were selling twice as many of this CD as the new Dave Matthews, which gives me hope for all that's good in the world.

My Geeky Day

So last Thursday was a veritable geekfest. Pretty much everything I did reeked of geek. To wit:

Get up early to go downtown to audition for Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. I got in line at about 7:45 for the 9:00 session, holding ticket 101. The test is 30 multiple-choice questions, probably easier than the Jeopardy test. I was one of about 30 to pass this session (out of, say, 250). Then off to the interview, during which I was not as tongue-tied as I was for Jeopardy. In-joke for my reader(s) with QB ties: one of the questions was, essentially, "Who Wrote Paradise Lost?"

go to Virgin Megastore Buy nothing.

go to the arcade at ESPNZone S@TM recommended both this place and the semi-truck driving game. I concur with both, provided one is okay with a sports/driving-only arcade (i.e., no shoot/hack/fight games). I have to add the motion-detect boxing game as a current fave.

go to CompUSA, specifically to look at the new iMac. S'niiiice. Buy nothing.

go to Bargain Books. Buy nothing.

head for home, grab lunch at Lucky Platter Not inherently geeky, I suppose, but I ordered a tuna melt, of all things, and read throughout the meal. The collection of horrid art now contains one noteworthy piece: a Lynda Barry work that I recognized from The Good Times Are Killing Me.

go to Stars Our Destination a local SF bookstore, and buy two games, this one and this one.

Hey, at least I didn't buy any collectible card games. That I did Monday, but they weren't for me, so shush, you.

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