Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Here I am, fishing for new cat litter endorsements.

Several months ago, we bought some Worlds Best Cat Litter based largely on a ringing endorsement here. This litter is made from corn, is fully biodegradable, scoopable, flushable, all-natural, it mows the lawn, picks up the kids from school, entertains visiting relatives, etc. After a transitional phase, mixing as directed with the old brand (Tidy Cat), we eventually went to all-WBCL litterboxes...and then the trouble started. We're always very good about scooping the box at least twice a day, but still, the cats have recently taken to peeing and crapping just outside the box. Nearly once a day this week. My guess is either they're too old to move away from the traditional clay-based litter, or this stuff smells too much like their food-- a main ingredient of which is corn meal.

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