Friday, June 13, 2003

A Vast Right-wing Spam Conspiracy?

When people think of spam e-mail, people usually think of natural Viagra, porn, or Nigerian scams. Lately much of my spam has been for Dittohead crap. Flag stuff. Israeli gas masks. Iraq's Most Wanted cards. Axis of Weasels cards. And most recently, in a mail bewilderingly titled "Stop Hillary's Book" (yeah, damn that pesky first amendment --ed.), something called "Axis of Hillary" cards. I'm not sure how purchasing playing cards of any nature is going to "stop" a book, but there you go.

In non-marketing spam news, one of the better bloggers (either Atrios or Ted Barlow, linked in the left column on this page) did an interesting analysis some time ago of the presidential email forwards mentioned on Apparently there are far more false emails denigrating Clinton(s) then there are for Bush, and of them, there's more of an effort to cast Bush in a positive light than there is for Clinton.

I'm just sayin', is all...

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