Sunday, April 25, 2004

My uncle sent me this. Maybe it's too late at night, or too Canuck for me, but I'm just not getting it.

Okay, so blogs are boring and mundane, except when they venture into TMI, at which point they could veer recklessly into technology-is-bad territory? 500 words to tell me this? Namedropping Canadian bogeyman Paul Bernardo was the last straw.

I think the author misreads much, if not most, of the blogosphere's raison d'etre. I never kept a diary or journal. Except when I had to devote a certain amount of time in eighth grade English to journal-writing, in which I wrote about what video games I liked best. At the time, Time Pilot and Tron got high marks. My reasons for starting a blog were simply these, and I wager they're quite common: I had a decent-sized group of people to send observations, links, and crap about my life to, and blogging was an easier way for me to get said crap out there than maintaining an email list and writing form emails. Also, as a consumer of blogs, I find them a more convenient way to find out same about my friends. I don't think most blogs are done at all to replace diaries. They're done to further ruin letterwriting. Which a different columnist can lament, if s/he hasn't already.

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