Sunday, October 23, 2005

The FOGHAT tournament was this weekend. Finished third. We were competitive in all the games we lost, which is good or even more frustrating, depending on my mood. It was nice to have Mark & Chris in town, and Kirsti seemed to have a good time playing, and saved our bacon in several lit questions. The themed questions were for the most part okay, though Jeremy forever ruined a musician I generally liked with an abysmal Matthew Sweet theme pack. If you have to stretch that hard and add that much excess verbiage to a pack, the theme probably isn't worth doing. The Northwestern and NC State theme packs would not have been so annoying had they not been back to back, I think. As it was...well, they were.

We managed to get some of the out-of-towners around to a few Evanston restaurants, which was nice. Then I had the bright idea that going down to the Neo-Futurarium would be a fun Saturday night activity. Sadly, I underestimated the effect of heavy Italian dinners and the amount of time to kill between dinner and the 11:30 showtime. Mark nodding off while watching the ballgame was a bad sign, so at 10:30 we decided to bail on the plan. Unfortunately the plan involved meeting people, and we ended up standing up Leah, who got my voicemail late. So that...was bad.

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