Monday, May 29, 2006

Movie Log 2006 #42-45
It's been over a week for most of these. Happenstance was a French movie about lots of meet-cute coincidences. The ensemble cast includes Audrey Tautou, who is of course promoted as The Star, though she's really not.

We were a year late to the party on Ocean's Twelve, and whomever warned me not to think at all about the plot or how it relates to the first film was spot on. A bunch of pretty people contrived an excuse to go vacationing in Europe on the studio's bill, and I was mildly entertained.

So Andrew and Cinnamon hosted an MDN and at least fed us well, but the punishment included The Mind Snatchers, an early-70s Cuckoo's Nest/Clockwork Orange-y thing starring the young Christopher Walken. It was just stupid and boring.

X-Men: Last Stand - Not as bad as you might have heard. Halle Berry's still dreadful, the best character from the last film is inexplicably absent, Kelsey Grammer and Vinnie Jones were quite good, and lots of new characters are wasted before they get wasted. If you have a lot invested in the comics, it may not sit well with you.

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