Thursday, October 21, 2004

movies and the Red Sox

Recent baseball goings-on have me wondering about two high-profile, yet wholly unnecessary, movie projects in the works.

First up: The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon. The title girl loved Gordon while he was a Sock, but he's since moved around a bit, and now (for the time being) wears the pinstripes. Will the film be set during his late-90s run with the Sox, or does he now hate him? Or is he beloved again because he was so instrumental in the Greatest Choke in Sports History?

Finally, Fever Pitch. Nick Hornby's book was a brilliant piece of sports journalism. The Colin Firth adaptation was a rather by-the-numbers romantic comedy. Now it's getting Americanized, and the long-suffering Arsenal fan will become a long-suffering Red Sox fan. Thing is in real life, Arsenal's sufffering finally ended. If the Sox lose the World Series, will the Farrellys end the film with a fake victory? Or does the focus change to the drama against the Yankees?

...and most importantly, will Cam Neely get a cameo?

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