Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Ah, inertia, you are a cruel mistress. As if you couldn't tell, I've been very low-ambition as of late. We're both under a little job-related angst, coupled with a double whammy of the property tax bill and an ill-timed special assessment to repave the parking lot. I've even let the 3-Chord Monday lapse...I'll have to come up with a triple-shot of Labor Day songs. Wobbly anthems or some such, to piss off the Bruce.

We went up to Minnesota the other weekend for a wedding. I've known Kathleen since junior high, giving her seniority among the friends from home I talk to with any regularity. Mike's an outstanding fellow, and I'm glad she found someone as swell as him. Very nice, low-key affair.

I've seen a few movies in between mainlining Season 3 of The Wire, so, in reverse order:
Movie Log 2006, #63-67
MirrorMask - Boy, I really wanted to like this more than I did. The Oz/Alice aspects were a little too obvious, and I imagine our TV is too small for the visuals to suck me in. Pretty clearly not made for adults, though...I wonder if the nephews would dig it.
Bringing Up Baby - One of those what-took-me-so-long films. Exhausting in its screwballness. I'm still not getting the Hepburn mystique, but it was interesting to see her play a total psychopath.
Little Miss Sunshine - I fear this is getting overly praised on a level comparable to Sideways. It's quite good, but the hype needs to be reined in a bit.
Band of Outsiders - Yeah, so I'm lowbrow, but this was just sort of...there. While I'm not close to seeing them all, or even a majority of them, I'm willing to go on record and say that Breathless is pretty much the only Godard film anyone needs to see.
Talladega Nights - It had us at "Eleanor Roosevelt," and I'm ready to start drinking Laughing Clown Malt Liquor. I eagerly await the inevitable Brew & View double feature with Snakes on a Plane.

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