Thursday, February 22, 2007

More questions, and possibly the last. These are from JC:
1. What is your favorite outdoor activity and why? (I'm not going to allow curling as a response, as I believe you at least usually do it indoors, even if it started as an outdoor sport and could be played outdoors.)
It's probably walking. Okay, call it "hiking" because it sounds more rugged, even though we're in suburban Illinois and I'm not fooling anyone. It's active enough but doesn't require a lot of concentration, so I can have a conversation with a partner or listen to music/get lost in thought if alone without getting hit by a truck. Swimming's fine, but you can only do it outside for a small part of the year. I have a bike and blades, but haven't been on them in over two years. I think I'd like orienteering, and often mean to go once during the window where that and the curling seasons don't overlap.

2. Is there a question you missed or didn't get to answer on Jeopardy that still haunts you today? If so, what was it?
I'm actually pretty well over Jeopardy. You'd think it would be the final question, but it's not. Because timing is such a big deal, I was more frustrated by getting beaten to things I knew cold. There were two things. The first is I almost ran the table on a category that was right in the wheelhouse: foreign films. I got beat to the buzzer on one question. The other was in the episode just after mine. Had I won, I could have feasted on another category right up my alley: John Cusack films. Blast!

3. Death is not an option: Pick three board games that will be the only board games you play for the rest of eternity.
*18VA. Ever since I was a kid I've reacted very strongly to maps and logos. the 18xx games have had a strong pull even before sitting down to play. 18VA wins out because of its length and the better opening auction.
*Catchphrase, assuming this "eternity" clause allows for updated editions now and then. I'm a bit rankled when my non-gamer friends ask me to bring stuff over, and this gets played instead. But in my circles it does induce the strongest seizures -- seriously, seizures -- of laughter.
*Ingenious. One of these has to suit two players, and you'd call BS if I tried to claim that the Project GIPF games were a single game. This scales equally well with 2, 3, or 4, and is a nice solitaire diversion on BSW, too.

4. Who is on your list? (that is, the list of around 5 people, famous or not so famous, that you are allowed to sleep with if given the chance with no spousal guilt or consequence)
I highly doubt I'm "allowed" any such liberty. But I'd seek forgiveness after -- not permission before -- dalliances with, in absolutely no order (all links are SFW, though I can't vouch for anything beyond the pix):
*This obscure actress named Scarlett Johansson; perhaps you've heard of her. Yeah, I know it's almost a cliche, and I understand I'd likely have to get vaccines afterward.
*Shu Qi. She was in this silly HK action flick we rented some years ago, and she hasn't left the list since.
*Aishwarya Rai and Preity Zinta Yeah, that's for actresses who aren't allowed to *kiss* in their films. Surely that's diagnosable.
*Alicia Witt.

5. If you could re-do any portion of your life, would you? Why or why not?

Well, no "spend more time with [dead relative/friend]", because no matter how much time you add it'd never feel like enough. There are two things I would do over. One is practical; the other is completely frivolous, but still haunts me.
The practical: I would insist that my parents send me to a different orthodontist, and I'd be a better patient. After all that drama with my teeth as an adult, I still don't know if it stemmed from that guy's medieval methods, my lackadaisical care, or my biological fate. But undoing two of those would be nice.
The frivolous: After a college visit to Boston, I arranged to visit an aunt and uncle ouside of NYC, and bum around Manhattan alone for a day. While I was there, matinee previews were going on for a musical adaptation of Stephen King's Carrie. Despite the idlest of afternoons, I did not seek out tickets for this show. I should have. Carrie, of course, turned out to be a legendary flop, closing after only five performances. Given my love of pop culture and trainwrecks, missing this once-in-a-lifetime spectacle is one of my great regrets.

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